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AP Art is designed as a studio art class that is taught at the college level.  Every aspect of the class will require students to respond at a higher level of responsibility, artistic expression, and sophistication.  Students will have an understanding that artwork will demonstrate a sense of relevance based upon individual style, technique, and ideation.  The final AP Exam is not a written examination but a comprehensive evaluation of a portfolio of works by the College Board team of evaluators.  The structure of the portfolio is divided into two sections, Sustained Investigation where students will create artwork and writing to document their inquiry-guided investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, and Selected Works that demonstrate a skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas. This course is recommended for serious, self-directed art students, willing to produce a large volume of quality work.  Summer Assignments will be required and assigned by the instructor.

Portfolio Offerings and Prerequisites:

  • 2D Art and  Design

    • Prerequisites: Intro to Art and Advanced Drawing and Painting.

  • Drawing

    • Prerequisites: Intro to Art and Advanced Drawing and Painting.

  • 3D Art and Design

    • Prerequisites: Intro to Art, Sculpture, and/or Ceramics.


  • Students who have not taken the prerequisite courses may qualify for AP Art by submitting a portfolio of work for Instructor review.  

    • Portfolios should consist of 7-10 “best work” examples.

    • Students must use the AP Art Digital Submission Slide presentation found on School Loop to submit their portfolio

      • Save a copy with your name in the title of the Slides Document

      • Insert images of your work on the slides

      • Complete the required information and respond to the questions/prompt.



Please click here to view the Digital Submission  Portfolio slideshow template.