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Dads, Grads and Moms

What is DGM?

Dads, Grads, & Moms is one of the parent booster groups that enhance the Wilcox High School Community.

What Does DGM Do?

 We provide funds and support for athletic teams and events, academic enrichment, and social clubs.

 How Has DGM Helped?

 We have purchased equipment and uniforms for a variety of sports teams, sent classes and clubs on field trips and made annual donations to Wilcox Associations selected by our membership.  Our donations in the past have averaged over $20,000 per year.

Our meetings are in the Staff Lounge on the last Wednesday of month with the exception of November and December. All members are invited. Meeting start promptly at 7pm.

Membership Application

Please download our application to begin the membership process. You can either fill it out online and save a copy to email or, or you can print it out and fill it out, scan it and email it back to us. 

Payment can be made via PayPal and the link is on the application. 

Membership Application 

The Benefits of a DGM Member:

 Family Sports Pass

 Scholarships for Seniors

 Shows your support for  Wilcox High School!

How Does my Membership Support Wilcox High School?

One way we support campus
clubs and associations is by
allowing you to select one
choice for direct donation of
$5.00 per group.

How Does the Sports Pass Work?

The sports passes allow 4 family members  (2 adults, 2 dependent students) into any
home league game for free.

This includes football, basketball (boys & girls), wrestling and volleyball
(boys & girls).

For a family of 4, the DGM membership pays for itself in 3 games.

Each member of the family receives their own Sports Pass Card, which must be presented for admission to the games. If a card is lost, there is a $5.00 replacement fee.

Our fundraising activities

 Santa Clara Art & Wine
Festival Soda Both (September)
 Snack Bar, Home Football Games (Fall)
 Middle School Track Meet (May)

Dads Grads and Moms Logo

Contact Us

Marc Lund


Who can Qualify for Scholarships?

Scholarship applications are available to Seniors whose family members have paid dues for at least three years,
(including their senior year) and who meet the academic requirements.

We have DGM Scholarships and the Mary Shaddle Scholarship. For more information, please email our Membership email address found under our "Contact Us" section


College Financial Talk

DGM President, Marc Lund, CPA, MBA gives a talk on College Financial Aid in the Fall. Details will be in the Daily Announcements. All are welcome to attend.